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A highly flexible working environment

DMG MORI, as a leading manufacturer of machine tools, aims to provide its end customers with a consistent and exceptional brand experience across all physical and digital touchpoints. Consulteer is proud to have been meeting this demand for over 15 years. At the heart of all developments is a seamless user experience with a consistent design language and usability across all products.

Individuality & cost-efficiency


Intelligently linked and highly flexible manufacturing systems are what the market needs. Thanks to our industrial design, our customers can deliver exactly that.

Sometimes the requirements are contradictory or even conflicting. In such cases, clear decisions must be made based on verified requirements. In this way, even the seemingly impossible can be achieved: Cost efficiency and highest customization at the same time.

Grown structures


Different design approaches from different times created an inconsistent appearance of the DMG MORI automation portfolio. Furthermore, a high degree of diversification of the cabin design in combination with a limited amount of common parts generated additional costs.

The modular toolkit

180829 Vertico design-language slide wojo

By creating uniformity for the entire automation line of our partner, the design was standardized. The modular cabin design with narrow vertical sheet metal parts allows maximum flexibility.

The modular construction kit is the result of a comprehensive design strategy, in the course of which the creation of CI-defining standard elements and common parts was placed in the foreground. In the process, the grown automation portfolio was analyzed holistically and systematically broken down into logical functional units.

Productivity, quality & flexibility

The design has been standardized by creating common parts for the entire automation line. Specific design standards create independence without increasing costs. The sum of the elements results in a highly flexible modular system. The overall appearance stands out from the machines and gives DMG MORI automation an independent face, but is still in context with the DMG MORI machine design language.

From conception to implementation, this was another successful major project that has made the daily work of many thousands of users easier.

Our execution-driven approach, coupled with a seamless end-to-end process, ensures impactful solutions making a tangible difference.


Francois-Pierre Vivot

Founder & CSO

[email protected]